Khalid Al-Baghdadi

Dear readers! As you know, we have started to present to you our Altınoluk articles, in which we have tried to explain and interpret the wise words of the friends of Allah, as separate booklets for each friend of Allah. This humble work, in which we have compiled our writings on Khalid al-Baghdadi, is a continuation of this series.
In this humble booklet, you will find Khalid al Baghdadi’s realization that eternal salvation cannot be achieved without going through a purification of the heart and his inclination toward the spiritual training in the hands of a doctor of the heart. He was undoubtedly a great scholar and was famously known as “The Sun of the Suns”. You will encounter pearls of wisdom presented to us as precious gifts from the journey of a man transformed into a spiritual sultan as a result of his deep yearning and spiritual aspiration. They are the gifts of his journey from material knowledge to spiritual knowledge, from imitation to certainty, and from belief to complete realization of belief.